it was 5... now it's 8!
I really wish I knew what was wrong with me. I feel like my body is on a downward spiral and I don't know how to control or stop it!
Since I met Collin (August 2006) I've gained probably 10 pounds (actually, I went back in my records, and it's actually only 8 pounds I've gained since I met Collin.. BUT STILL!)... I was content with the first 5 because I could still fit into all my clothes... but lately I'm just not happy with things! (and lately I've had to buy my pants a size larger so I know something is up!)
What the hell? I'm the FitGirl! I exercise at least 5 times a week and do 2 yoga sessions in there as well. I eat relatively healthy... but my weakness is candy :( Is it possible that candy has caused me to gain all this weight??? I always thought I could handle a bit of extra sugar due to the amount of activity I engage in during an average day. Maybe I COULD when I was younger, but it looks like once my body hit 30 it decided to stop metabolizing like it used to! (Actually, I noticed when I was 25 my body did the same thing, it went through a big slow down and I had to rediscover how to eat properly for it.)
Does this mean that every year I'm going to naturally gain an extra 5 pounds??? So when I'm 40, I'll have an extra 50 pounds packed on???? ugh... NO THANKS!
I need to stop with the sugary snacks, get back on my fruit and veggie kick. That helped me before I got my braces and now that the braces are off, I have no excuses!!!
The diet starts now!