2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day!

Since this coming Monday is Labor Day in Canada, we get a nice long weekend this weekend! Ahhh! Last one of the summer... but Collin and I have decided that it's probably best if we don't go out of town, but rather stay home and get the last of the crap settled and unpacked! No hiking for me :( Oh well, there's always next weekend!

I went out for dinner with a friend who moved to Houston on Wednesday. We had a good chat and it sounds like she's doing really good out there, despite her lack of employment! (Must be kinda nice to wakeup to drive your hubby to work, go for a workout or swim, then shower, laze around a bit or maybe go shopping or study... then wait for your hubby to get off work so you can pick him up! ...that, in a nutshell is her life these days!) Very different from her office 9 to 5 job here in Calgary. I'm sure once she gets her American SIN number she'll be looking for a job of some sort (even if ut is just at Pottery Barn! lol)
She is also busy planning her wedding for April 2008 which will be held here in Calgary (at Hotel D'Arts... OMG! Living the life of a Celebrity must be nice!) I'm sure it'll be a beautiful event, no matter where they were to have it!

Anyways, I should get back to it! ("It" meaning work, lol)
Ciao for Now!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Me, Famous... You, Fan!

I had the weirdest dream. (Ok, it's not that weird considering who I am, but it was funny that I actually dreamt about it!)

I was meeting all these celebrities (Kalen Porter, Paris Hilton, Sum 41, etc...) while I was out and about (Like at a concert, I met Kalen Porter and Sum 41 and I met Paris Hilton driving in a convertible!) Instead of snapping pictures of them, I'd hand them my camera and ask them to take a picure of me! LOL Then as they'd leave and I'd say to myself "Why did you do that? Now you don't have a picture of them!"

What does that mean? I told Collin about the dream, and he said "It's all about you, isn't it?" lol ... Apparently, I'm a vain, spoiled brat. :(

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Stress-free and loving it!

Seriously... this move compared to my last move was like 180 degrees different!
My last move, I had no one to help me, so I called on my parents and brothers to help me
*** Note: NEVER ask family to help you with moving!***
Needless to say, it was a pretty rough day, we all got a little flustered and exhausted!

This time, I asked Collin to get some of his strong friend to help us. He managed to wrangle up a few guys from work as well as some of his long time friends, (who actually decided to show up despite the fact that it was raining all day!) We managed to get the UHaul truck back on time and I even got half of the condo cleaned and vacuumed! :) Collin was also surprised, because I told him I get really moody when I move. I was really good about just letting the guys take care of the actual moving part, and I just organized the boxes and cleaned up after them. (Lots of foot prints were made!)

All in all I actually feel GOOD after a whirlwind weekend of moving! (I never thought I'd say that!) But I also never knew that Collin is the master packer/mover! He was so great all weekend! I was lucky he was there to keep me sane. :)

And now, back to work...


Friday, August 24, 2007

I have a new tooth!

I got my temporary dental crown removed today, and my permanent back molar (tooth 16 for those of you who understand dentistry terminology) put on this morning. Ugh... it didn't hurt, but as soon as the temp. crown was removed, my real tooth was SUPER sensitive to everything: water, air, my hygenists metal instruments! It was mostly uncomfortable, not really painful. It gave me that feeling when you bite a piece of tinfoil with a tooth that has a metal filling in it... *zing!* (Not really a feeling I enjoy! But better then a drill!!! lol)

Now I have this new, bigger, back molar sitting in my mouth, and it feels strange. My bottom teeth don't know what to think about their new upper chewing buddy... He's not the same as the last guy. lol I'm not sure how long it's gonna take to get used to this, but as for now I'm kinda on a soft food diet again. I'm eating chili today, and it's still pretty difficult to get it chewed before I swallow.

Anyone else have a similar crown story? Or is my new tooth just a little off? Should I go back in a few days if the tooth still feels strange? How long should it take to get my bite back to the way it was?

PS... Both Collin and I forgot about our 1 year anniversary! (which would have been August 20th) Does that mean we don't care anymore? Or are we THAT comfortable already? (I'm gonna go with the later, because honestly, I don't really care! I'm just happy that we are still so in love! *awe*

PSS... I can't forget to mention that today is POSSESSION day! I get the keys to my NEW HOUSE today!!! (@5pm) YAY! I think I'll wait to take pictures till I get everything moved in!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The real packing has begun!

Collin and I have been packing the condo up in full force for the past few days. I never knew Collin was the 'master packer', but he's been a Godsent for me in this process! I am so easily distracted (especially when packing my beads and jewellery stuff) so Collin has really helped to keep me on task!
So far we've fully packed the storage room, linen closet and most of the master bathroom! Tonight, I'm tackling my room: which means my clothes (uhh, another thing I get distracted with!) and finishing off the spare bedroom (which should be simple enough!).
Friday (possession day), we have planned to get the steamcleaner from Safeway and completely steam clean the carpets in the new place (the previous owners had a Pit Bull, so I want to get rid of the fur and dander left behind! Not to mention spruce up the berber carpets!). Hopefully the carpets dry fast because we have rented a UHaul for Sunday and we are MOVING everything in then!

I'll be so happy once everything is moved in! (Hopefully the guys Colllin has asked to help us don't break anything... I'm a little worried about moving my new BIG computer amoire!!!)

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Friday, August 17, 2007

getting the *h* outta here!

Yet another invasion of our privacy... Collin's work truck was broken into last night! (Collin told me they ramsacked the truck and only managed to get away with $5 in change out of his console!)
I can't stand to live like this anymore! I am so glad we bought the new house because I can't handle living in this trashy neighborhood for another minute! (I guess the neighborhood is fine, as long as there is daylight... but at night, the freaks and theives come out!)

I will sleep so much better in my new place in my new SAFE neighborhood!
I just get sick thinking about all the vandalism and bull*ish that goes on around my condo these days!
(I really hope my renters don't have the same luck as I've had here!)


Thursday, August 16, 2007

First showing of the condo!

I got a call from a couple out of BC that want to see my condo this weekend! :) YAY! (but apparently they have a bunch of places on their list to see this weekend too... Hopefully the others are all crap! LOL)

So I really need to get my packing stuff hidden away so the place looks nice enough to want to live in for someone else! Ugh... this is the part of the move I hate!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Packing, Boo!

Since I take posession of my new house next Friday, I figured I should really get started packing up some of the things that I don't use very often. This is the part of moving I hate. (And I'm sure you can all relate!)

I will go to Walmart early tomorrow morning to see if the have any boxes that I can take. I do have a few boxes left from my last move, but they won't amount to much... I need a lot more now! (My belongings has certainly have expanded again in the past 2 years!) It will be so great to move into a house again!

There is still so many things that I need to do... I really need to start a list to make sure they all get done! Ack... the stress begins!

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Older Breathe Video

I have been meaning to do this for some time, post a video of myself teaching a track of two or this "Breathe" class that I talk so much about.

So without further adieu, I present to you my first Breathe video!


Let me know what you think!

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Another Video

Tonight, we are videoing another edition of our signature series DVD's (for educational purposes, of course!) and one of our Breathe instructors has bailed on the taping. So that means the two of us left taping have to pick up the slack for her 3 tracks. (As well as my current 2 tracks, I will be additionally doing the meditation track, which should be easy enough :)

I hope the camera doesn't add those damn 10 pounds again. Last time I saw the video I thought I looked extremely short and thick! lol
(and today we will be wearing green tops and white pants... ack, even worse!)

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Publishing my posts on my Computer

After I write a post and publish it to this blog, it take DAYS before I can see it on my own computer (unless I log in as myself, and view it through "Edit Posts" under "my account".)
Has anyone else come across this being a problem for them? How can I get this to stop? Do I need to clean out cookies somewhere or clean out my cache files?
HELP! I need some techincal advice!

Bloggers and techies help me!

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My NEW Glasses

They are made by Adrienne Vitadinni.
I bought them at Pearle Vision... including my lenses
(light near-sighted, slight stigmatism) they cost ~$330 CDN! Not bad!

I'll get a picture of them on me tonight, when I get home! :)
