2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

I have a new tooth!

I got my temporary dental crown removed today, and my permanent back molar (tooth 16 for those of you who understand dentistry terminology) put on this morning. Ugh... it didn't hurt, but as soon as the temp. crown was removed, my real tooth was SUPER sensitive to everything: water, air, my hygenists metal instruments! It was mostly uncomfortable, not really painful. It gave me that feeling when you bite a piece of tinfoil with a tooth that has a metal filling in it... *zing!* (Not really a feeling I enjoy! But better then a drill!!! lol)

Now I have this new, bigger, back molar sitting in my mouth, and it feels strange. My bottom teeth don't know what to think about their new upper chewing buddy... He's not the same as the last guy. lol I'm not sure how long it's gonna take to get used to this, but as for now I'm kinda on a soft food diet again. I'm eating chili today, and it's still pretty difficult to get it chewed before I swallow.

Anyone else have a similar crown story? Or is my new tooth just a little off? Should I go back in a few days if the tooth still feels strange? How long should it take to get my bite back to the way it was?

PS... Both Collin and I forgot about our 1 year anniversary! (which would have been August 20th) Does that mean we don't care anymore? Or are we THAT comfortable already? (I'm gonna go with the later, because honestly, I don't really care! I'm just happy that we are still so in love! *awe*

PSS... I can't forget to mention that today is POSSESSION day! I get the keys to my NEW HOUSE today!!! (@5pm) YAY! I think I'll wait to take pictures till I get everything moved in!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy post-anniversary! I guess you two are too focused on the present to focus on the calendar!! That's a good thing!

I've never had a crown before, so I don't know if your experience is normal. Maybe it's one of those things that you will get used to. Frankly, I am surprised you haven't posted photos of your latest dental work!!

And yay! New home!! Congrats!!

3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard from other crown people that it took a long time to get used to. shoot, my last filling took a long time to get used too!!
If it's painful after a couple days definitely call, but just weird feeling? give it a little time.
How is the moving going??? I texted you today out of bordeom

5:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

zing. that is definitely a feeling to me when it comes to teeth :) good description!!
BTW Congrats on your house Jess it is absolutely gorgeous :)

2:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just noticed this post....been too busy on Facebook...damn thing is addicting! Crowns...have let me see 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 yep. Man I am rich eh!! If it is a back crown and you are used to it yet, perhaps he didn't take enough off so that your other molars meet as they used to. If it still feels weird, go back and ask him to check your bite!


9:00 PM


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