Another week, in review
Man! This summer if just flying by! Already July is half over... I can't believe it! (I guess that's because this is also the time of year for weddings, and I've been quite busy with my brothers! We had a great weekend in Leduc at my brothers wedding reception. I got to see a bunch of relatives that I rarely see anymore. It was good talking to my grandparents, knowing that my Grandma is taking good care of my Grandpa he's in good hands! I hope I take after her! She's a machine!!!) And, now that it's all finished, I hope to get back to enjoying the summer sun (which we've been getting a LOT of!) and doing a lot more outdoor activities (mountain biking, rollerblading, hiking, etc). I have given the gym a lot less days avaliability for teachig classes this summer so this will leave me plenty of time for PLAYING. I can't wait to get busy playing! :)
I'm also planning a couple trips in August: August long weekend, I'm going to Cold Lake to visit my best friend and her husband in Cold Lake, August 15th to 20th (tentatively) is when I'm planning to go to Nanaimo to visit my sister and her family. (It appears that I have a lot of vacation days avaliable to me between now and June30th, 2008 so I may as well use them up, right?)
Here's to the sunny days of summer!
Oh my gawd, you have been more regular with blogging than myself.
I feel shame.
5:53 AM
And no one even reads mine... what the fugg?
9:09 AM
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