2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

New Tenant?

I had a woman call me who was very interested in seeing my condo... she actually called twice since I missed her first call altogether somehow! (not uncommon, actually!) So I met her at my condo yesterday around 6:45.
She got a little lost getting to the condo, so I was trying to give her directions which was just a complete mess! lol She finally arrived at the condo and parked like a total woman! LOL (She could have just drove into the spot nose first, but instead, she tried to parallel park, and ended up many feet away from the curb and put her hazards on! (WTF?)
Anyways, once she got out of her Santa Fe, she apologized for being lost and shook my hand... I introduced her to Collin and we proceeded to show her the condo. She loved the place right off the bat (actually, she loved the fact that the outside of the building is pink! Who is this woman??? ) She really rushed through the condo, (considering she told us she's a home inspector, I'd have expected her to spend a little more time checking out the finer details, whouldn't you?) I even noted that she didn't even go into the ensuite bathroom... Did she not care if I had a mold problem? Did she just assume that since the main floor looked clean that the rest of the place was? Again, seemed ODD!
She did have concerns that her boyfriend's truck would not fit in the parkade (as did I) so I took her out there to check it out. We determined that it would infact NOT fit, so he'd have to park his work truck on the street. (Ugh... not my favorite idea, considering what happened to Collin's work truck!) But she called her BF to see if that would be ok, and he said OK.
At that point she was ready to hand me over a cheque for the damage deposit, and I had to simmer her down. "Uh... I'd like you to fill out some paperwork first, as I don't really know who you are!" I said. "Of course", so she hands me her drivers license... which looked very legit!
She then said "Ok, no pressure, I'll leave you with my buisness card, and tomorrow we can get together to fill out the paperwork... and I'll bring my BF then too so you can meet him."

Ahhh... I'm feeling so much pressure. I also noticed (from her raspy voice, mostly) that she was a smoker (then I saw the proof: smokes and lighter in her vehicle) I definitely didn't want a smoker living there... So what do I do??? Wait for another potaential renter, one more suited to my wants? Or do I ask her politely to not smoke in the condo (yeah, right... I can't see that happening!) and hope she will be a decent person and obey my wishes??? (I also used Canada411 and Telus Phone Book to check out the credentials on her apparent "business", and I seem to be finding different information in the different sources that I check... I'm not fully convinced it's legit! How can I find out for sure??? HELP!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's the renters market out there? If something feels amiss, I think you should go with your gut. If you decide to not rent to her, just fib...tell her some relative needs it...or something like that.

12:47 PM

Blogger FitGirl said...

Reply to Rosie:

Well, with Calgary's vacancy rate at a low 1.7% I don't think it will be long before I get another interested party... I guess I just get paranoid really easily!

I really don't want the place to get smoke damaged from the second hand smoke!!!

3:16 PM

Blogger alikat789 said...

I must agree that if things don't feel/check out right, go with the gut and don't rent to her. Don't you have the right to not rent to a non-smoker? you have the right to not rent to her if you don't feel comfortable with her.

7:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica, just give her a call and tell her that you would prefer to rent to a non- smoker. Your ad didn't specify that but it was supposed to...
Just be honest, it's your house and ultimately you get to rent to whomever you want to.
Ken and I agree, say no to the smoker or your house will be trashed.

12:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what Jessica, This is a $400000 invesment of YOURS!!, You make the calls who gets it, use your gut, if things seem amiss, chances are that they are, I say don't let her have it if you have ANY reservations

10:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:19 AM

Blogger FitGirl said...

Reply to: ALL

Thanks for the great advice! I have not heard from the woman since I called her on Friday (to fax her the documents I needed her to fill out, that clearly stated it's a non-smoking unit) So I think she got my point!

I also got a call on Saturday from a woman asking if I'd accept pets in my unit. I told her no also... but then wondered if I should have asked her how old her dog was. I just really don't want to have to replace the carpets due to animal damages!!! Are animals that destructive?

9:51 AM


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