Sharing out first cold!
Collin got sick at work, and brought it home for me to enjoy as well! Last night I was coughing up a storm! It sucked!!!! I decided instead of going to work today and spread the joy to all MY co-workers, that I'd just stay home and rest up and finish some well needed house work. I'm sure I won't be missed at the office. I finished a pile of work yesterday, and tomorrow was supposed to be my first day of vacation anyways (I made it an EXTRA long weekend :)
I am taking Cold-F/X to try and fight this thing but so far it's just getting worse! :( I have been more sick in the past 4 months then I think I have my whole childhood... what is going on? Are there new strains of bugs out there now that are hard to avoid? Am I just getting old and therefore weak in my immune system capacity? I'd just like to know, because I really wish I could avoid all these sick days! :(
Hey Jess, my brother and fiance are getting married next July, and they are both new to Calgary. I was wondering if you know of some cool places to get married there. She only knows of some golf courses. Could you email me back at Thanks so much.
Sorry to hear about the cold, at least the itch is gone Right
Mama Lee
11:44 AM
How cute! Another first!! I hope you and Collin are better soon :)
3:24 PM
Jess, if I ever find out how to avoid cold bugs I'll be sure to blog about it. I spent 5 months straigh sick with something last winter... I was ready to shoot myself.
Love isn't conquerring the coold bugs??? What the hell....???
4:37 PM
Jessi: I think some years You catch evey little bug and some years you don't even have a sniffle- go figure-
Last fall my Dr. said I should take the flue-shot because of the camp job enviroment, anyway I never thought much about it before that but, I never cought anything last year ..knock on wood, but something was working for me.Just stay positive and eat health foods I guess.
5:17 PM
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