2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

24 hour STRIKE

So, it turns out that the Calgary Transit has decided to go on a "24 hour Strike" meaning we will be without their services from 12:30pm Friday, June 1st till 12:30 Saturday, June 2nd. I think this means they will be back up and running Saturday evening. I guess I'll wait and see. Sounds like a funny thing to do, but I guess they are trying to make a point! (Since I get this Friday off, it doesn't affect me much, yet! ... I'm still not looking forward to arriving to work with helmet head from riding my bike to work, if it comes to that!!!)

In other news, due to the breathing issues I've been experiencing, I need to get some blood work done. I mentioned this to my friend Katz (who is a very experienced phlebotimist) and she offered to take my blood tonight, in my own house! She's going to bring the needle and tubes to my place tonight and take it for me! How cool is that? I will be sure to have Collin take a picture or two of her in action! (I'm kinda nervous! lol)
This sure beats dealing with the phlebotomists at the other Calgary Labs I've been too, some are just not nice!
But this also means no food or drink (fasting) for at least 10 hours before she takes my blood work... I have to stop eating in 30 minutes! I already ate my lunch and it's only 10:30am! LOL

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the action shots of this! LOL

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you don't faint! Hope it's nothing serious...I bet it's allergies. Keep us posted!!!!

2:19 PM


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