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Monday, September 18, 2006

RHCP concert recap

Collin and I went to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in Edmonton last night... They put on a great show (despite the fact that their openning act ruined our ears with their hair metal guitar sounds and lead singers screeching vocals! Ugh... they were TERRIBLE! and SO DAMN LOUD! If my ears could bleed, they would have been last night.)
I couldn't even understand the band's name when the lead singer said it... (Collin and I both heard him say "we're Sum 41", but they obviously weren't them...) Our ear drums were in need of the smooth sounds of RHCP, and fast!
After an hour of the opening act trying to kill us softly (seriously, it was that bad!), RHCP took the stage. They opened with a new song, then rocked right into some top 40 tracks... They pretty much played the entire Mars album at the concert. The encore was a new track followed by a new version of "Otherside".
We drove home last night. So needless to say we didn't get much sleep.
Well worth the trip, I must say... despite the ear drum damage. I hope I'll live!


Blogger S Q L Y said...

Jess.... Yes jessi
You over there, got your ears on ??
I hate loud so I would have paid more to be let-in to the concert after those Idiot lead act or whatever they were, but I'm glad you liked the rhcp.
They Rock !!
but so does Toby Kieth !! Just kidding their all oKaY.
Gotta go for now
S Q L Y xox

2:01 PM

Blogger islandarts said...

After seeing Big sugar on New years eave (2000) I ALWAYS bring ear plugs to concerts of any kind...
I spent my night outside the concert hall listening from afar. My ears can't take it. I also brought ear plugs to Dixie Chicks, Great Big Sea and Blue Rodeo. It sounded perfect to me- through the ear plugs.
I'll look up who the opening act was...
It says with special guests The Mars Volta.

2:06 PM

Blogger FitGirl said...

reply to: Island Artist
The Mars Volta??? It seriously sounded like he said "Sum 41"... see, my hearing was very impaired at that point... I too wish I had brought ear plugs, but instead my fingers had to do... actually, hearing the audience clap for them as the stage lights were scannign the crowd while plugging my ears made everything seem very sureal... much MUCH better then the real LOUD thing!
Next concert, EARPLUGS!

2:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your Missin' Out, well, I guess I missed out!!


2:20 PM

Blogger FitGirl said...

reply to: Ken

to each their own... but both Collin and I didn't enjoy Mars Volta.

Maybe if they turned their volume down a notch.... and I could have actually heard their set. Oh well.

3:20 PM


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