2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Holidays, Whoop Whoop!

I have been enjoying my vacation immensly! I met my sister and her little ones at the airport on Saturday (Nov. 10th) and brought them back to my place for a few days (she had not seen my new house yet!) We created a bunch of resin pendants together (Paige wouldn't stop talking about them and wanted to make more and more!) We also discovered that my first 2 bottles of resin and hardner were rather old and that's probably why the pendants weren't getting completely hard upon curing. The second set of resin/hardner that I bought got hard almost instantly, after the alotted 25 minutes of working time... It was crazy!
Here are the pendants we created (this picture was taken just after removing them from the molds, so they still need sanding, etc...)
We then drove to Leduc to spend some time visiting with my Mom and Dad. When we got there we realized that my brother Joe and his wife were staying there also, so we all had to sleep in the spare room... me on the floor and my sister and her kids in the spare bed (which has shrunk since the last time I remember staying there!) After a couple of nights of that, I couldn't wait to get back to my own room! (Seriously, between the paper thin walls and the snoring... I needed some peace and quiet!!!)
We also drove up to Boyle to visit with our grandparents. (My Grandpa Joe unfortunately has Cancer and the onset of alzheimers... so there is no time like the present to go visit them!) It was a good visit! All of my aunts and uncles (my grandma and grandpa's kids) came out for supper too! It was nice to see them all! My grandpa and Nolan hit it off like two peas in a pod! They had a great time playing together and getting into a little bit of trouble together... hehe!
Unfortunately when we went to get some pictures, Nolan wanted nothing of it! He had a mini freak out... here's the picture we managed to get.
Grandpa, Grandma and the kids

And on my drive home, I was listening to an Edmonton radio station called "the Bounce", and I discovered this new song... and I am in love with it! I even managed to find the video on Youtube... Check it out! Whoop Whoop!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catchy song (could work well for pole dancing)! And OMG, all the women in the video had such hot bodies!

10:50 AM

Blogger FitGirl said...

reply to: Rosie

I know... I think I have a crush on the Brunette lady who is first in line waiting for the bus! LOL

1:15 PM


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