2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Pound number 2

So, since starting phase one of my new nutrition plan, I have already noticed a change on the scale! 2 pounds! (And I'm not even being super strict yet! ... it's amazing what eating a few meals of cheese curd and yogurt will do to your body! :) I know it's the bread and pasta that I need to avoid, and co far I've done a GREAT job at staying away from those carbolicious goodies!

Phase one of my nutrition plan is geared twards shocking my body, cutting out all of the processed sugars that I get way too much of normally! (Sweet tooth?!) It's been a bit of a slow process to get into this diet, but once I noticed that I was making progress, I was stoked! Yesterday I followed the diet to the letter, and I woke up today and lost another pound! YAHOO!

Trust me, eatting this diet is tough, but my saving grace is knowing that I only have to do it for a month! (...Then Phase two begins!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing results is wonderful, isn't it? Makes it worthwhile and keeps you moving forward....Now, I just need to take the leap and follow the plan...that's my drawback!


8:35 AM

Blogger FitGirl said...

Reply to: BadaBing

Yes, I wasn't completely convinced in this nutrition plan at first... but now that I'm seeing results, and knowing I'm not going to be starving at the end of the day, I'm very motivated to keep at it!

I WILL reach my goal!!!

11:57 AM


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