2008, the year I changed my life! ...2009, the year I took my life to a whole new level! ...2010, upward and ONWARD! :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Beading Friend

I wore one of my necklaces to the gym when I was teaching Breathe, and I got a compliment from one of the participants. I told her I made it and she said "I make jewellery too!" We quickly decided to exchange phone numbers and we've made a "bead date" (lol) for tomorrow night.
She then emailed me and said that she invited hersister to come and an old friend of hers, Keith McPearson ...who btw was in the top 20 of Canadian Idol contestants one season (don't know which one???) to come over and hang out with us too!
Unfortunately, it turns out he's only in town for a few days and had already made other plans for Wednesday night. I'm kinda glad, actually... I don't know how comfortable I'd feel beading in front of a guy as he's seranading us! (lol... because that's what she said he was going to do!)

I'm excited to have a beading posse again! YAY!

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Blogger islandarts said...

It's so great to have something in common with a group of peeps! It's also an excuse to get together with friends and do something that you love to do!

3:46 AM


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